Today I made this card because I really wanted to use the stamp that I got from the dollar bin at Michaels. I love spring and can't wait to see all the may flowers. The picture turned out a little dark and does not do it any justice. I had so much fun making the flowers for my flower pot that I wanted to make some more for this card.
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Sunday, March 20, 2011
Water Colors, and another Spring project!
Yesterday my mom showed me how to paint using water colors. Let me just say that I do not paint or draw and am not a artist. This was my first time really painting. I think that it turned out pretty good considering. I really enjoyed spending time with my mom and learning something new from her.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Spring Fever!
I have not posted anything in a long time. I had a couple of weeks were I was just not in the mood to craft or do anything really. I am finally feeling better and not so down in the dumps. My mom and I are planning on having another crop party so I have been thinking of ideas to do. My mom and I are both going to share a project for us all to do. I decided to do this idea that I got when I went to Alabama a couple of weeks ago. While down there Mom and me needed a pick me up so we went shopping at Hobby Lobby.
I played around with different flowers and finally made these and really liked them. I used the paisley cart and cut out a flower from that and used 5 different sizes and add buttons for the center. I think this project makes a great spring decor for the house.
Another project I did was to use a wooden cut out of a J for my little girl Jada. I painted it and then added stuff that Jada likes. I think it turned out pretty good. Jada really likes it and already has it in her room.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
New Cards!
I have been so busy and have not had time to do much crafting. I missed it so much that I had to take today to spend in my craft room. I was thinking about my cousin today that I have not seen in while and thought I would make her a card to let her know that I was thinking about her. This is what I came up with.
My little girl wanted to craft with me and she made a card for my sister that is having a baby. She made it all by herself. So if you see this Beth act surprise when Jada gives it to you. My sister likes pigs.
Here are some other projects I have done.
I hope you enjoy this projects and if you have questions about any just leave a comment and I will get back to you!
Monday, February 7, 2011
MPS challenge!
MPS has a challenge for spring or valentine's day or just something that makes you happy. I have been busy lately and have not had time to do any crafts. So today I had some ME time! I was on youtube looking at video's for so new ideas. I saw this idea "Exploding Box". I loved it because you can do so much with it. I wanted to do something with flowers.
It looks kinda plain on the outside and I think I might add some more to it but its getting late and wanted to add what I got so far. The cool part is the inside of the box.
I love the flowers in the middle. It is like giving a bouqet of flowers to someone. I was thinking that this would be a good Mother's day card. You can write on the sides why your mom is so great or but pictures there with a sweet saying. I am not finished with all of it yet but got a great start. Sunday, January 30, 2011
Our Finished Projects!
I have a lot of pictures of all the finishd projects from last night. I will start off with mine. I did not get my Valentine project done I was busy helping my sisters learn new techniques. I don't know how to do much but I learned a lot in a short amount of time.(Thanks to MPS and a lot of her followers)
Here is my first card I did. It turned out so pretty. I think this is my fav card I have made so far.
I used a white pre-cut card for the base and then cut this awesome foil paper 1/4 inch smaller. I then used my seweasy to make a scallop at the bottom and then put small flower brads at the top of each scallop. I then cut a pink stripe at 2 1/2 in. and green at 3 in. I used the Pagoda cart for the flowers and used buttons as the center.
This is my second card. I think this one turned out bright! I love the 3D look the brayer technique gave it. It was a very simple card. I used light purple cardstock. I just cut a 8 1/2 x 11 sheet in half. Then cut pink glitter paper 1/4 inch smaller. I then used gloss paper cut 1/4 in smaller than the pink. I used a butterfly stamp I got from micheals to get the 3D look. I then put flower brads in each corner. I then cut a frame from one of the carts I can't remember which one.
All the finished projects!
By Diane Shipley
By: April Shipley
By: Kirstie Shipley
By: Alicia Bennett(Shipley)
By: April Shipley
I should have more cards to post but I think they took them before I could get pics of them. I hope everyone had a good time and I can't wait to do it again.
Crop Night at my House!!!!!!!
Let me start off by saying that we had a BLAST last night crafting! Our first challenge was to make something for Valentine's Day to give to someone you love. Well, one of my sisters came up with the idea that we all needed to make get well cards for a friend of ours that is sick and having surgery this week. I thought it was a great idea. She wanted to make enough so that others that we know could pick one and also give one to her. So that she would get lots of cards to let her know that she has a lot of people that care and are thinking about her. So we had a lot to work on last night. We had 3 cricut stations going and 2 cuddlebugs. We had paper, ribbon and glitter going everywhere. It was CRAZY! I loved it.
Here is mom at the box making station! Don't you love the use of the air hockey table!
Here is all the girls minus me of course I am taking all the pics. (Yes I have a lot of sisters)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Crop party tomorrow!
I am so excited we are having a crop party tomorrow. Its really just my mom and sisters coming over to play and eat. Yeah! I have not posted any projects the last couple of days because like I said I have to try to get other things done. I started my first nursing job wednesday and have worked everyday since then. Let me tell you, I am so,so,so very tired. I have had the last couple of months off and am not used to physical labor..... I love being a nurse and helping people when they are at their worst. For the first time I feel contempt with my job and love what I do. I am so glad that I decided that it was not to late to go to school and do something important with my life. It is also not bad finally making a paycheck after being a full time student for 2 years. I am so thankful for my husband and family that supported me and kept me motivated when I was ready to give up. This post took a different turn then I orginallly planned but I hope I did not bore you to much. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will post some pics from the crop party and all the finished projects.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Redo on Picture Frame.
Ok so I know I have posted a lot of stuff today and yesterday, but I am on craft overload right now. My brain is only thinking crafts when it should be thinking about homework that is due or my first day at my new job as a nurse. So I thought if I got it out of my system I could focus on other things. Nope it didn't work. I just went back and nit picked my projects. I really was not happy with the way my picture frame came out that I made for a baby shower so I made a new one. I LOVE the way this one turned out. I got the idea from the birthday card I made for MPS. It turned out better than I thought it would. YEAH!!!! So I will take it easy the next couple of days and try to focus on other things. Please leave comments and tell me what you think!!!
My Husband's Craft!
This is a post for my husband. He tells me all the time that he is just not crafty when I try to get him to craft with me. He says he is not crafty but I say otherwise. Here is a shower-head that he made. It fits the length of our shower and sprays water the whole length. He designed it all. He had his designed lazered at work and then welded the parts together to get the final product. He just installed it today and is trying it out right now. He is so excited about his project just like we are about a card we make.
Valentines for Jada's class....
I took on the task this year of making homemade valentines for my daughter's class. She has about 24 kids in her class. I decided to do 4 different designs and make 6 of each. I picked out my colors first and then went to my carts to find something to go with the colors. I have got 3 of the 4 designs done and wanted to share what I got so far.
First is my love bug one. I wanted to keep them all simple because I have to make so many. I used the create a critter cart, which is my favorite cart to use because you can use it for so much. I went to hobby lobby with my mom yesterday to find a valentine stamp cause I did not have not one!!!! I thought this stamp was a good one for kids and could be used on all of my cards. I love the ribbon I used on this one.
First is my love bug one. I wanted to keep them all simple because I have to make so many. I used the create a critter cart, which is my favorite cart to use because you can use it for so much. I went to hobby lobby with my mom yesterday to find a valentine stamp cause I did not have not one!!!! I thought this stamp was a good one for kids and could be used on all of my cards. I love the ribbon I used on this one.
For this one I used the paisley cart for the frog. Oh by the way, my SWEET hubby got me a early Valentine present. I was so excited because I have been wanting it for so long. He got me a cuttlebug!!! Yeah! So oh course I have been using the crap out of it. I used the polka-dot folder for the mat on this card.
For this one I just cut out a heart which I can't remember which cart I got it from. I need a better camera I think. None of my pictures turn out to good. My stuff looks so much better in person. Yet again I kept it simple. I am still working on the fourth design. I am using a white card with pink mat I think. When I get it done I will post it. Thanks for viewing my blog. I love comments so please do be shy!
Monday, January 24, 2011
MPS Challenge!
Today is Robyn's birthday and she is having a birthday challenge. I am on this cupcake kick right now so I had some cupcake paper left over and decided to use it and then built my card around that. I got an idea today from watching a video from MPS were she used her sewing machine to sew on the card. I decided to sew pieces of paper together like a quilt. It was not a easy task at all. My machine did not like sewing paper and my machine keep coming unthreaded. I do have to say it was worth it, cause it gave the card a neat look.
I cut the paper squares at 1 1/2 inches each. After sewing them all together I sewed my paper quilt to a
4 3/4 x 6 1/4 pink paper.
I used a banner that I had and put the word happy on them.
I cut Birthday at 1 1/2 or 2 inches
I used Doodlecharms chart for cupcake.
Happy Birthday Robyn and thank you for all the great ideas. Lots of new projects!
My next project is a picture frame I made for a friend that is adopting a little baby girl in a couple of months and her baby shower is this saturday. She is thinking about doing her nursery in pink and brown with cupcakes. I think it is such a cute idea so I thought I would try to make a picture frame to go along with it. It did not turn out as good as I had hope but nothing every does. I painted the base pink and stenciled brown polka-dots all over it. I then used a font from one of my carts( can't remember which one) and for the cupcakes I used rock princess and doddlecharms. I also used some cupcake stickers that I found at Michaels. I mod podge over the whole frame. I then added a brown and pick ribbon to the top but not sure if I am going to keep it there or not.
I will post the last project in a few, the missionaries just stopped by so I don't have time to finish right now. I hope everyone enjoys what I got so far, I know I enjoyed making them.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Here is a new Purse I made!!!
I am super excited about this post. This is my first attempt at sewing with a pattern. I have sewed before but just like pillows and small things. My mom gave our friend and I a sewing lesson the other day and then I took on this project. I had trouble at first and needed my moms assistance but once I got going it seemed to get easier. I think that it turned out to awesome! I can't wait to use it now.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Cupcake birthday card.
My little girl has a birthday party to go to this saturday. So she wanted to make a card for her friend. I let Jada pick the colors and how to lay it out. I think it turned out adorable. I used the Rock Princess cart for the cupcake. I also made a envelope to go with it I used the Wild Card cart. I put a cupcake on the envelope also.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Picture Frame made using my Cricut!
I thought that this would be a cute idea to customize a picture frame to use in my house. I saw cheap little wood frames at Michael's the other day and the idea came to me.
I first started by spray painting the base with orange and then got out my create a critter cart. Everything I cut on the frame I got from this cart. It was not as easy as I thought it would be. I used mod podge to keep all the critters in place. I hope everyone likes it and I hope to post my valentine frame that I am going to be making. I am still trying to decide what I want to do for it still.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Valentine Card!
I made a new card for Valentine's Day! I used my new tool seweasy and let me tell you I had a hard time getting it right. I am still learing how to use it I guess. My hubby just got me a new cart ROCK PRINCESS! He is so sweet! I really wanted it cause it looks so much like my little girl. She loves skulls and guitars and stuff. I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
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